시사 & English : Smartphone race
시사 & English : Smartphone race
  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2011.09.19 11:36
  • 댓글 0
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JOB & RECRUITING : 시사 & English

Smartphone race

Local makers should develop software

`1)Google’s decision to buy Motorola Mobility is apparently aimed at gaining a foothold in the cell phone market. The $12.5-billion takeover is expected to escalate competition for smartphones. Yet it is uncertain for the purchase to put the brakes on Apple’s success with the iPhone. The overriding motivation for the deal is Google’s hunger for Motorola’s trove of more than 17,000 phone technology patents. 2)They would help Google defend its Android mobile operating system against lawsuits claiming that the world’s largest search engine and its partners infringed on patents of other firms.

`3)In other words, Google intends to survive an ever-fiercer patent war for mobile devices by acquiring Motorola. Furthermore, it seeks to combine its software programs with Motorola’s hardware technologies. By having a cell phone maker under its wing, Google will be better able to compete with Apple. 4)However, the acquisition could also prompt Microsoft to take over cell phone giant Nokia. If such a long-rumored takeover becomes reality, the global smartphone market could be led by Apple, Google and Microsoft. `5)The question is what would happen to other cell phone manufacturers such as South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics. Samsung and LG have relied on Google’s free Android software that made its debut in 2008.

For now, it is hard to gauge exactly what effect the Google- Motorola deal will have on the domestic makers. But, it seems that Samsung and LG have mixed feelings about the deal as it will serve as both an opportunity and challenge for them. First, the corporate marriage is expected to provide legal cover for the local firms as well as other smartphone makers that adopt Android. 6)Given Apple’s legal battle against Samsung over patents, the largest mobile device maker in Korea could cash in on the patent cover the Google-Motorola union will provide. `7)This would also consolidate its partnership with Google. 8)But imagine what if Google might sever the partnership and go solo to dominate the market by utilizing Motorola’s patents and technologies.

Samsung is now the world’s second-largest smartphone maker after Apple. 9)But, it may lose its fame all of a sudden if Google stops providing the free Android software, demands royalties, or develops a new operating system exclusively for its own mobile devices. In this regard, Samsung and other domestic makers should realize that they cannot survive the smartphone war without developing their own operating systems and other software. Korean IT companies can hardly deny that they have long neglected devising software. They have made great progress in hardware and manufacturing technologies, boosting the nation’s exports. `But now, they should make all-out efforts to develop their own software, a core part of IT devices. This is easier said than done. 10)But without innovative software, there will be no future for local makers.


Smartphone race

Local makers should develop software

스마트폰 경쟁

국내 제조업체들은 소프트웨어를 개발해야


1) Google’s decision to buy Motorola Mobility/ is apparently aimed at gaining a foothold in the cell phone market.

모토롤라 모바일을 사기(인수하기)로 한 구글의 결정은/ 분명 휴대폰 시 장에서 발판을 얻는 데 목표를 두고 있다.


2) They would help Google defend its Android mobile operating system against lawsuits/ claiming that the world’s largest search engine and its partners infringed on patents of other firms.  

① 이것들이 구글로 하여금 (②) 소송에 대항한 안드로이드 모바일 운영 체제를 방어하도록 도와줄 것이다./ ② 세계 최대의 검색엔진과 그 파트너 가 다른 기업들의 특허권을 침해했다고 주장하는


3) In other words,/ Google intends to survive an ever-fiercer patent war for mobile devices/ by acquiring Motorola.

① 다시 말하여,/ ② 구글은 (③) 모바일 기기에 있어 더욱 치열한 특허 전쟁에서 살아남으려 하는 것이다./ ③ 모토롤라를 인수함으로써


4) However,/ the acquisition could also prompt Microsoft to take over cell phone giant Nokia.

그러나,/ 이번 인수는 마이크로소프트로 하여금 휴대폰 거대기업인 노키 아를 인수하도록 자극할 수 있다.


5)  The question is what would happen to other cell phone manufacturers/ such as South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics.   

① 문제는 (②) 다른 휴대폰 제조업체에 어떤 일이 일어날 것인가 하는 점이다./ ② 한국의 삼성전자와 LG전자와 같은  


6) Given Apple’s legal battle against Samsung over patents,/ the largest mobile device maker in Korea/ could cash in on the patent cover the Google-Motorola union will provide.

애플의 특허권을 둘러싼 삼성과의 법적인 전쟁을 가정하면,/ 한국의 최 대모바일 제조업체는 구글-모토롤라 연합이 제공하게 될 특허 보호를 이용 할 수 있다.


7) This would also consolidate its partnership with Google.  

이것은 또한 구글과의 파트너십을 강화할 것이다.


8) But imagine what if/ Google might sever the partnership and/ go solo to dominate the market/ by utilizing Motorola’s patents and technologies.

① 하지만 (② / ③ / ④) 어떤 일이 벌어질지 상상해 보라./ ② 구글 이 이런 파트너십을 단절하고/ ④ 시장을 지배하기 위해 솔로가 된다면/ ③ 모토롤라의 특허권과 기술을 이용함으로써


9) But,/ it may lose its fame all of a sudden/ if Google stops providing the free Android software,/ demands royalties, or/ develops a new operating system exclusively for its own mobile devices.

① 하지만,/ ② 삼성은 (③ / ④ / ⑤) 갑자기 그 명성을 잃을 수 있 다./ ③ 구글이 무료 안드로이드 소프트웨어를 제공하기를 멈추고,/ ④ 로 열티를 요구하거나/ ⑤ 그 자신의 모바일 기기를 위해 독자적으로 새로운 운영체제를 개발한다면


10) But without innovative software,/ there will be no future for local makers.

하지만 혁신적인 소프트웨어가 없다면,/ 국내 제조업체들에게는 미래가 없을 것이다.

[월간 리크루트 2011-09]

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