  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2012.01.16 15:53
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JOB & RECRUITING  : 시사 & English


Arrest of activist

Police should respect spirit of hard-won accord


Most Koreans felt relieved to see the settlement of the 11- month-long labor dispute at Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction last week. The long-awaited happy ending, at least for the 99 percent of economically less privileged, may be in for an ugly last-minute twist. Few can blame the police for investigating Kim Jin-suk, who played a key role in extracting the company’s decision to rehire 94 dismissed workers, if she had violated laws in the process. Yet it seems neither necessary legally nor humane to seek to arrest a 50-something woman who has just finished a 309-day sit-in on a 35-meter-high tower crane, during which she couldn’t move around much or even take a bath.

Doctors who checked her reportedly found few noticeable health problems, but she complains of several symptoms. Kim said she would turn herself in to the police in her own time, so there are little chances of her running away. And all news-watching Koreans know about her high-altitude protest, which means the police won’t need to worry about her destruction of evidence. We can see few good reasons for her arrest except probably for the law enforcement authorities’ intention not to allow for the birth of another labor heroine. The police plan to file charges of trespassing and obstruction of business against her.

But the crane in question would have lain idle whether she occupied it or not for her protest, as Hanjin Heavy has long failed to win orders for the Busan shipyard. It is also a double standard for the police to seek her arrest, while they didn’t take issue with a man who also staged a protest on a crane for 87 days. Moreover, the police’s move runs squarely counter to the agreement between the labor and management to drop all charges against each other in the year-long conflict.

Most of all, all the parties involved should not mar the lessons of the Hanjin Heavy dispute, which reminded them of the harm to not only workers but also the businesses brought about by the unilateral firing of workers for reason of managerial problems, as well as how the solidarity of the civil society can save the lives of ordinary people and their families. Without Kim, few can deny there might have been dozens of workers committing suicide as is the case at Ssangyong Motor. The police and prosecution might stress the need for law enforcement without exception. But we can’t help but retort where their sense of justice has gone unless the punishment of numerous law-breakers with political connections takes place. Good sense and humanity should be the basic spirit supporting the law.


Arrest of activist 운동가의 체포

Police should respect spirit of hard-won accord 경찰은 어렵게 얻은 합의의 정신 을 존중해야


1. Most Koreans felt relieved/ to see the settlement of the 11-month- long labor dispute/ at Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction last week.

① 대부분의 한국인들은 (② / ③) 안도를 느꼈다./ ③ 11개월 간의 노동분쟁의 타결을 보고/ ② 지난 주 한진중공업에서의

2. Few can blame the police for investigating Kim Jin-suk,/ who played a key role in extracting the company’s decision to rehire 94 dismissed workers,/ if she had violated laws in the process.

② 김진숙(민주노총 부산본부 지도위원)을 수사한다고 해서 (③) 경찰을 비난할 수 있는 사람은 별로 없을 것이다./ ① 94명의 정리해 고를 당한 근로자들을 재고용하기로 한 이 회사의 결정을 이끌어 내는데 있 어 핵심적인 역할을 한/ ③ 그녀가 그 과정에서 법을 어겼더라면

3. Yet it seems neither necessary legally nor humane/ to seek to arrest a 50-something woman/ who has just finished a 309-day sit-in on a 35- meter-high tower crane,/ during which she couldn’t move around much or even take a bath.

① 하지만 (② / ③ / ④) 법적으로 꼭 필요한 것이거나 인도 주의적인 것은 아닌 것 같다./ ④ 50대의 여성을 체포하려 하는 것은/ ③ 35미터 높이의 타워 크레인에서 309일 동안의 연좌농성을 막 끝낸/ ② 그 동안 많이 돌아다닐 수도 없고 목욕조차 할 수 없었던

4. Doctors who checked her reportedly found few noticeable health problems, but/ she complains of several symptoms.

보도에 따르면 그녀를 (건강)검진한 의사들은 눈에 뛸만한 건 강상의 문제들을 발견하지 못했으나/ 그녀는 몇 가지 증상들에 대배 호소하 고 있다.

5. The police plan to file charges/ of trespassing and obstruction of business against her.

① 경찰은 (②) 혐의를 제기(구속영장을 청구)할 계획이다./ ② 그녀를 상대로 건조물침입과 업무방해의

6. Moreover,/ the police’s move runs squarely counter/ to the agreement between the labor and management/ to drop all charges against each other in the year-long conflict.

① 게다가,/ ② 경찰의 움직임은 (③ / ④) 정면으로 위배된 다./ ④ 노사간의 합의에도/ ③ 연중 계속된 이번 갈등에서 서로를 상대로 한 모든 혐의를 취하하기로 한

7. Most of all,/ all the parties involved should not mar the lessons of the Hanjin Heavy dispute,/ which reminded them of the harm to not only workers but also the businesses brought about/ by the unilateral firing of workers for reason of managerial problems,/ as well as how the solidarity of the civil society can save the lives of ordinary people and their families.

① 무엇보다도,/ ② 모든 당사자들은 한진중공업 분쟁의 교훈 을 훼손해서는 안 되며,/ ③ 이번 분쟁은 (④ / ⑤) 근로자들뿐만 아니라 기업들에 발생한 피해를 상기시켜 준 것이었다./ ⑤ 그들에게 경영상의 문 제를 이유로 일방적으로 근로자들을 해고한 일로/ ④ 시민사회의 연대가 보 통사람들과 그들의 가족들의 삶을 어떻게 구제할 수 있는지 뿐만 아니라

8. Without Kim,/ few can deny there might have been dozens of workers committing suicide/ as is the case at Ssangyong Motor.

① 김씨가 없었더라면,/ ③ 자살한 수십 명의 근로자들을 있었 을 것이라는 것을 부인할 수 사람은 별로 없을 것이다./ ② 쌍용자동차에서 의 경우에서 그런 것처럼

9. But we can’t help but retort where their sense of justice has gone/ unless the punishment of numerous law-breakers with political connections takes place.

① 하지만 우리는 (②) 정의감은 어디로 사라져버렸는지 응수 할 수밖에 없다./ ② 정치적 연계성이 있는 수많은 범법자들에 대한 처벌 이 발생하지 않는다면

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