시사&영어 : Deaths at KAIST

2011-06-10     한경리크루트

JOB & RECRUITING : 시사 & English

Deaths at KAIST

Students’lives cannot be exchanged for school rankings


        심 상 대

       전) EBS방 송 강의, Cable TV(일자리 방송) 강의

       전) 호원 대학교 겸임교수

       현) 남부 행정고시학원 영어전임

       현) 코리 아타임스(The Korea Times) 객원논설위원

`1)A 19-year-old KAIST junior committed suicide Thursday, becoming the prestigious school’s fourth student to kill himself in as many months. He suffered from depression stemming from relatively poor performances at the engineering college for the nation’s best and brightest. `2)Grading and competition are inevitable even for elite students if schools are to produce the super-elite. But what KAIST has done to its students since Suh Nam-pyo took presidency in 2006 goes too far to say the least. Suh, who studied and taught in the United States, rightly broke the “iron-bowl” tenure of the national university’s professors.

But it is hard to say the same about the other two of his three reforms. 3)The KAIST head demanded all classes be in English, resulting in imitators at other schools. Yet far too many professors and students say the English-only lecturing makes classes superficial and keeps them from pursuing academic depth. 4)Even more controversial was the so-called disciplinary tuition system, in which he slapped 63,000 won ($58) per 0.01 credit below the average grade of 3.0 out of 4.3, to a maximum of 7.5 million won a semester. `5)Since the introduction of the reverse scholarship system, some students have had to pay 6 million won in tuition, twice as high as at other state-funded universities. Faced with a series of suicides, the KAIST head backed off, easing the penalty rates and vowing to have assistant professors help students struggling with English.

Would that solve the problems? We doubt it, because at stake is not just money or a language problem. It’s the culture of unlimited competition even at the expense of students’ most basic rights, never forgiving once one failure. 6)So the first thing the 75-year-old scholar and his followers should do is to drive their competitiveness-at-any-cost thinking out of their minds. `7)One cannot talk about the Korean society without mentioning competition, proper or excessive, but what matters should be its objective or content. The current education at KAIST - and Seoul National University (SNU) for that matter - focuses on winning good marks rather than upgrading academic levels. 8)There has long been controversy about students flocking to subjects or professors easier to get inflated grades in a symbiosis under the two-way evaluation system. Coincidentally or not, five SNU students also took their own lives in recent months.

Suicide rates at KAIST and SNU are not particularly higher than at other schools, where many students find it hard to keep studying because of the second highest tuitions in the world after the United States. The supporters of a neo-liberalistic education system call for benchmarking from U.S. schools. But the current development here stresses the need to learn more from Europe. `9)The June 8, 1968 student revolution in France helped to sharply ease school cliques, excessive adherence to university rankings and exorbitant tuition. Finland, a country of depression three decades ago due to cutthroat competition, introduced a national suicide prevention system for its youth. It should be apparent to all which is “more” urgent for Korea today.



Deaths at KAIST

Students’lives cannot be exchanged for school rankings


카이스트에서의 자살    

학생들의 생명을 대학의 랭킹 과 맞바꿀 수 없어


1) A 19-year-old KAIST junior committed suicide Thursday,/ becoming the prestigious school’s fourth student to kill himself in as many months.

19세의 한국과학기술원(KAIST)의 한 3학년생이 목요일 자살을 하여/ (2011년 들어) 4개월 만에 자살한 이 명 문대학의 4번 학생이 되었다.


2) Grading and competition are inevitable even for elite students/ if schools are to produce the super-elite.

② 등급제와 경쟁이 엘리트학생들 에게조차 불가피하다./ ① 만일 대학들이 초일류 엘리트를 배출하려 한다 면   


3) The KAIST head demanded all classes be in English,/ resulting in imitators at other schools.

카이스트 총장은 모든 수업이 영어 로 진행되도록 요구했고/ 그 결과 다른 대학들에서도 모방자들이 생기는 결 과를 가져왔다.


4) Even more controversial/ was the so-called disciplinary tuition system,/ in which he slapped 63,000 won ($58) per 0.01 credit below the average grade of 3.0 out of 4.3,/ to a maximum of 7.5 million won a semester.

① 더욱 많은 논란이 되는 것은/ ② 소위 징벌적 수업료제도인데,/ ③ 이 제도에서 그는 4.3점 중에서 3.0 의 평균점수 미만의 0.01학점당 6만 3,000원(58달러)을 (④) 부과한다./ ④ 한 학기에 최대 750만원까지  


5) Since the introduction of the reverse scholarship system,/ some students have had to pay 6 million won in tuition,/ twice as high as at other state-funded universities.

역으로 가는 장학제도의 도입이래 로,/ 일부 학생들은 수업료로 600만원을 내야 했었고/ 이는 다른 국립대학 의 2배나 됐다.


6) So the first thing the 75-year-old scholar and his followers should do/ is to drive their competitiveness-at-any-cost thinking out of their minds.

따라서 75세의 이 학자(서 총장) 와 그의 추종자들이 해야 할 첫 번째 일은/ 어떤 희생을 치러서라도 경쟁이 라는 생각을 그들의 마음으로부터 몰아내는 것이다.


7)  One cannot talk about the Korean society without mentioning competition, proper or excessive, but/ what matters should be its objective or content.

적절하든 지나치든 경쟁을 언급하 지 않고 한국사회에 대해 논할 수 없지만/ 문제가 되는(중요한) 것은 그것 의 목적과 내용이어야 한다.  


8) There has long been controversy/ about students flocking to subjects or professors easier/ to get inflated grades in a symbiosis under the two-way evaluation system.

논란이 오랫동안 있어왔다./ ② 학 생들이 더 쉬운 과목과 교수들에 몰려드는 것에 관한/ ① 양방향 평가체제 하에서 공생(共生)관계(학생도 교수평가, 교수는 학생평가)로 부풀려진 성 적을 얻기 위해


9) The June 8, 1968 student revolution in France/ helped to sharply ease school cliques, excessive adherence to university rankings and exorbitant tuition.

프랑스에서의 1968년 7월 8일의 학 생혁명(68 학생혁명)은/ 학벌, 대학랭킹에서의 지나친 고수 및 과다한 수업 료 등을 크게 완화시키는 데 일조했다.