시사 & English
시사 & English
  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2011.04.20 11:14
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JOB&RECRUIIT : 시사 & English

Animal disease Time to tighten quarantine networks

 심 상 대       

전) EBS방송 강의, Cable TV (일자리 방송) 강의       

전) 호원대학교 겸임교수       

현) 남부행정고시학원 영어전 임       

현) 코리아타임스(The Korea Times) 객원논설위원


  `1) The outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease late last month is the third of its kind in South Korea this year. `2) The nation has been alerted to the epidemic that affects cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle, pigs, deer and goats. The latest case was first reported on a pig farm in Andong, 270 kilometers southeast of Seoul. `3) Then the highly contagious disease spread to three cow farms in the city in North Gyeongsang Province. More than 18,600 cows and pigs were killed and buried in an effort to prevent the transmission of the virus to neighboring areas. It’s time for the central government and the provincial authorities to do their best to bring the disease under control.


  4) No one can overemphasize the importance of taking preventive measures against such an infectious virus although foot-and-mouth disease is not transmitted to humans. Now, we cannot help raising a question: have the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the provincial government taken timely and appropriate steps to fight the disease at an early stage? Regrettably, it is hard to get a positive answer. Authorities have failed to take quick action. The pig farm reported the suspicious case to the authorities on Nov. 26. It took three days for them to confirm the epidemic and issue an order to cull livestock in the affected area.

  They should have reduced the confirmation period for swifter quarantine efforts. Another problem is that quarantine officials were too slow to slaughter the pigs in the farm. Only 30 percent of the pigs were killed and buried on the first two days after the culling order was given. The belated action could not prevent the virus from making its way to the three cow farms. `5) It is unlikely for foot-and-mouth disease to die down anytime soon. Thus, the state and the local authorities are required to step up cooperation in the fight against the virus. `6) Most of all, they should set up a watertight quarantine system to block the virus from entering Korea from other countries.

  `7) In early November, the operator of the pig farm returned home from his trip to Vietnam, where cases of the epidemic have been reported since early this year. There is a possibility the farmer brought the virus with him to the nation. It is important to trace the source of the disease to control its spread more effectively. `8) The epidemic in Andong came only two months after Korea regained its foot-and-mouth disease-free status from the Paris- based World Organization for Animal Health. Livestock farmers are feared to suffer huge damage from the disease itself and the subsequent deprivation of the status.     9) Policymakers should not spare their efforts to minimize the fallout of the epidemic and win the battle with it.


Animal disease   구제역(口蹄疫)

Time to tighten quarantine networks      검역(檢疫)망 강화할 때


1) The outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease late last month/ is the third of its kind in South Korea this year.

지난달 말 구제역의 발생은/ 금년에 한국에서는 그 런 종류로는 3번째이다.


2) The nation has been alerted to the epidemic/ that affects cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle, pigs, deer and goats.

① 우리나라는 (②) 전염병에 신경을 곤두세워 왔 다./ ② 소, 돼지, 사슴 및 염소와 같은 발굽이 갈라진 동물들에게 영향을 끼치는


3) Then the highly contagious disease spread to three cow farms/ in the city in North Gyeongsang Province.

① 그 다음 매우 전염성이 높은 이 질병은 (②) 세 곳의 소농장으로 퍼져 나갔다./ ② 경상북도의 이 도시(안동)의


4) No one can overemphasize the importance of taking preventive measures/ against such an infectious virus/ although foot-and-mouth disease is not transmitted to humans.

③ 예방조치를 취할 중요성을 아무리 강조해도 지나 칠 수 없다./ ② 그런 감염성이 있는 바이러스를 막는/ ① 비록 구제역이 인간에게는 전염되지 않을지라도


5) It is unlikely for foot-and-mouth disease to die down anytime soon.

구제역이 어느 순간에라도 곧 차차 진정될 것 같지 않다.


6) Most of all,/ they should set up a watertight quarantine system/ to block the virus from entering Korea from other countries.

① 무엇보다도,/ ② 그들은 (③) 물샐 틈 없는 검역 체계를 수립해야 한다./ ③ 바이러스가 다른 나라로부터 한국으로 유입되 는 것을 봉쇄하기 위해  


7) In early November,/ the operator of the pig farm returned home from his trip to Vietnam,/ where cases of the epidemic have been reported since early this year.

11월 초,/ 돼지농장의 운영자가 베트남에 여행을 하 고 귀국했는데,/ 그곳은 유행병의 사례들이 금년 초 이래로 보고되어 왔 다.


8) The epidemic in Andong came/ only two months after Korea regained its foot-and-mouth disease-free status/ from the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health.

① 안동에서의 유행병은 (②) 발생했다./ ② 한국이 (③) 구제역 자유지위를 다시 얻은 지 두 달 만에/ ③ 파리에 소재한 국제 동물보건협회[국제수역사무국(OIE : Office Internationale des Epizooties)]로부터


9) Policymakers should not spare their efforts/ to minimize the fallout of the epidemic and/ win the battle with it.

① 정책입안자들은 (② / ③) 그들의 노력을 아껴서 는 안 된다./ ② 이 유행병의 여파를 최소화하고/ ③ 그것과의 싸움에서 이 기기 위해서

[월간 리크루트 2011-01]

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