  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2011.04.29 17:44
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JOB & RECRUITING : 시사 & English

Quake disaster

Let’s work together for Japan’s rehabilitation

       심 상 대

       전) EBS방송 강의, Cable TV(일자리 방송) 강의

       전) 호원대학교 겸임교수

       현) 남부행정고시학원 영어 전임

       현) 코리아타임스(The Korea Times) 객원논설위원


`1)An 8.9-magnitude earthquake and a tsunami have thrown Japan into chaos since they devastated the island nation on Friday. Pain and despair gripping the Japanese are beyond description. Our heart goes out to the victims of the quake and the relentless aftershocks. We want the Japanese to have the courage to confront the disaster and recover from it as soon as possible. The monster quake is seen as the worst in Japanese history and the fifth strongest in the world. The destructive effects are too immense to measure its damage. The Tokyo government declared a state of emergency as there were fears of a reactor meltdown at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. We hope that the Japanese authorities will make the utmost efforts to ensure nuclear safety.

No doubt Japan alone cannot cope with this catastrophe. `2)That’s why countries around the globe are committed to working together to help Japan and its people rise from the debris and come to terms with their panic and grief. 3)is time for the international community to make concerted humanitarian efforts to support Japan’s rescue and rehabilitation work. A friend in need is a friend indeed. South Korea must play an active role in the neighboring country’s recovery.   4)It was proper for President Lee Myung-bak to offer his deep condolences to the Japanese people and pledge full support to the nation. A special team of five Korean rescue workers and two search dogs arrived in Japan on Saturday. And another 120 relief workers, medical personnel and three military transport planes were on standby to leave for Japan. Seoul should do more to help the country.

5)The international community is also required to do its best to minimize the economic fallout of the quake and the tsunami not only on Japan itself but also on the world. For now, it is difficult to gauge potential economic consequences the disaster will bring about. But there is a possibility of Japan’s GDP growth falling by 1 percentage point. Concerns are growing that the tragedy may hinder the continuing global recovery from the 2008 financial and economic crisis. Japan is the world’s third largest economy after the United States and China. The Korean economy is still heavily dependent on Japanese parts and materials to increase exports. 6)Many Japanese factories have shut down in the wake of the seismic activity, raising fears that Korean export companies could suffer setbacks. Policymakers and business leaders need to hammer out measures to help minimize adverse industrial effects.

7)Last but not least, South Korea should make more preparations for disaster control as the nation is not immune to earthquakes. Only 18 percent of local buildings have earthquake-resistance structures. According to a recent report by the National Emergency Management Agency, some 7,700 residents may be killed and 107,000 injured if a 6.5-magnitude quake hits central Seoul. In case of a 7.0 quake, over 50,000 people could be left dead and 620,000 injured. Of course, Korea stands a relatively small chance of being hit by earthquakes stronger than 6. But this does not mean that the nation can entirely rule out the danger. Official statistics showed that an average of 43 tremors, although mostly mild, have been recorded in the country every year over the last decade. It would be better to strengthen building regulations and other rules to avoid potential quake-related risks.



Quake disaster

Let’s work together for Japan’s rehabilitation

지진 재앙 - 일본의 복구를 위해 함께 노력하자


1) An 8.9-magnitude earthquake and a tsunami/ have thrown Japan into chaos/ since they devastated the island nation on Friday.

① 진도 8.9의 지진과 쓰나미가/ ③ 일본을 혼란으로 빠져들게 했다./ ② 금요일 이 섬나라를 황폐화시킨 이래


2) That’s why/ countries around the globe are committed to working together/ to help Japan and its people rise from the debris and/ come to terms with their panic and grief.

① 그것이 바로 (②) 이유이다./ ② 전 세계 국가들이 (③ / ④) 함께 일하는데 헌신하는/ ③ 일본과 일본 국민이 쓰레기 더미에서 일어서서/ ④ 공황과 슬픔을 받아들이도록(매듭짓도록) 도와주기 위해  


3) It is time for the international community to make concerted humanitarian efforts/ to support Japan’s rescue and rehabilitation work.

① 국제사회가 (②) 일심 단결된 노력을 기울일 때이다./ ② 일본의 구 조 및 재건 사업을 지원하기 위한


4) It was proper/ for President Lee Myung-bak to offer his deep condolences to the Japanese people and pledge full support to the nation.  

② 적절했다./ ① 이명박 대통령이 일본국민들에게 깊은 애도를 표하고 일본에 전적인 지원을 다짐한 것은  


5) The international community is also required to do its best/ to minimize the economic fallout of the quake and the tsunami/ not only on Japan itself but also on the world.

① 국제사회는 또한 (② / ③) 최선을 다해야 한다./ ③ 지진과 쓰나미 의 경제적 악영향을 최소화하기 위해/ ② 일본뿐만 아니라 전 세계에 미칠


6) Many Japanese factories have shut down in the wake of the seismic activity,/ raising fears that Korean export companies could suffer setbacks.

일본의 많은 공장들은 지진활동의 결과로 문을 닫았으며/ 한국의 수출기 업들도 차질을 입을 수 있다는 우려를 증가시키고 있다.


7) Last but not least,/ South Korea should make more preparations for disaster control/ as the nation is not immune to earthquakes.

① 중요한 말을 끝으로 한 마디 해 두는 바이지만,/ ③ 재난통제에 보 다 많은 준비를 해야 한다./ ② 한국도 지진에 안전하지 않으므로

[월간 리크루트 2011-04]

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