  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2012.03.20 11:30
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Eliminate online-offline

divide in election mpaign laws?



 ① The National Election Commission announced yesterday that it would immediately allow Internet election campaigning through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The measures come after a Constitutional Court ruling last month ordered the granting of permission for all online election campaign activities. ② In ruling for the "constitutionality only in certain contexts" of Article 93, Item 1 of the Public Official Election Act, which was the subject of a constitutionality appeal, the court invalidated a ban on online campaigning as of 180 days before an election. At the same time, Article 254, Item 2 of the same act forbidding online campaigning prior to the assigned period remained in place.  

 With its latest decision, the NEC eliminated this contradiction. ③ Now, without any amendment to the Public Official Election Act, it is possible to engage in any kind of election campaigning save those acts prohibited by other clauses, such as the dissemination of false information and slander. People can post confirmation shots on voting day, showing whom they voted for and calling on others to support their candidate. This expansion of election campaigning freedoms is to be welcomed. But offline campaigning remains subject to the same legal restrictions. We live in an age where the online/offline distinction is meaningless, and it is comical to subject the two environments to different laws. ④Since the NEC has no legislative authority, this is an area where the National Assembly"s special committee on political reforms needs to take proactive steps in resolving this anachronistic contradiction.

 ⑤The current Public Official Election Act is so focused on preventing the buying of elections and the abuse of government authority that it places excessive restrictions on the natural activities of an election, namely political expression and active participation. ⑥Money should be tied up and lips loosened, yet we find them both bound and gagged. A representative example is the way people are only allowed to pass around business cards with their name and position written on them prior to registration as a prospective candidate four months before election day. By preventing them from giving their career history or academic background, this regulation stifles communication between candidates and voters. ⑦And the ban on establishing campaign offices has led to a proliferation of offices with names like "the Such-and-Such Institute," prompting critics to charge that the regulations still cost the same amount of money while encouraging violation of the law.

 ⑧Supporters" associations should be serving as forums for communication between candidates and supporters, but they are being restricted to the online environment. ⑨The result of this is that book release parties, for which there are neither restrictions on collection amounts and number of events nor any reporting obligations, have surfaced as a new, convenient channel for collecting political funds. We hope the special committee on political reforms will amend election law to keep the money tied up while encouraging communication.



Eliminate online-offline divide in election campaign laws

 선거운동법에서 온라인-오프라인의 격차를 없애 야


1. The National Election Commission announced yesterday/ that it would immediately allow Internet election campaigning/ through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

① 중앙선거관리위원회는 어제 (② / ③) 발표했다./ ③ 인터넷 선거운동을 즉시 허용할 것이라고/ ② 트위터나 페이스북 같은 소셜네트워킹사이트(서비스)(SNS)를 통한


2. In ruling for the "constitutionality only in certain contexts"/ of Article 93, Item 1 of the Public Official Election Act,/ which was the subject of a constitutionality appeal,/ the court invalidated a ban/ on online campaigning as of 180 days before an election.

③ (헌재가) “일정한 정황에서만 합헌” 결정을 함에 있어서,/ ② 공직선거법 93조 1항 에 대해/ ① 헌법소원의 주제(내용)였던/ ④ 헌재는 (⑤) 금지를 무효화했 다./ ⑤ 선거일 전 180일자로(일부터) 인터넷 선거운동에 대한


3. Now,/ without any amendment to the Public Official Election Act,/ it is possible to engage in any kind of election campaigning/ save those acts prohibited by other clauses,/ such as the dissemination of false information and slander.

① 이제,/ ② 어떤 공직선거법 개정 이 없더라도,/ ⑤ 어떤 선거운동을 하는 것도 가능하다./ ④ 다른 조항에 서 금지하는 행위들을 제외하고는/ ③ 허위사실 유포와 비방과 같은


4. Since the NEC has no legislative authority,/ this is an area/ where the National Assembly"s special committee on political reforms/ needs to take proactive steps/ in resolving this anachronistic contradiction.

① 선관위는 입법권이 없으므로,/ ② 이것은 (③ / ④) 영역이다./ ④ 국회 정치개혁특위가/ ⑤ 적극적인 조치 를 취할 필요가 있는/ ③ 시대착오적인 모순을 해소함에 있어


5. The current Public Official Election Act/ is so focused on preventing the buying of elections and the abuse of government authority/ that it places excessive restrictions on the natural activities of an election,/ namely political expression and active participation.

 ① 현행 공직선거법은/ ② 금권 선거와 정부권한의 남용(관권선거)을 막는 데 너무 초점을 둔 나머지/ ③ 이 법은 선거의 자연스러운 활동들에 (④) 과도한 제한을 두고 있다./ ④ 즉 정치적 표현과 적극적 참여에


6. Money should be tied up and lips loosened, yet/ we find them both bound and gagged.  

 돈은 묶고 입은 풀어야 하지만/ 우리는 돈도 묶고 입도 묶고 있는 꼴을 보고 있는 것이다.


7. And the ban on establishing campaign offices/ has led to a proliferation of offices with names like "the Such- and-Such Institute,"/ prompting critics to charge/ that the regulations still cost the same amount of money/ while encouraging violation of the law.

 ① 그리고 선거사무실 개설을 금 지하는 것도/ ② ‘○○○연구소’와 같은 이름을 가진 (편법) 선거사무소 를 양산하는 결과를 가져와/ ③ 비판가들에게 (④ / ⑤) 비판을 하도록 재 촉하는 셈이 되고 있다./ ⑤ 이 규정들은 여전히 같은 액수의 돈이 든다 는/ ④ 위법을 조장하면서도


8. Supporters" associations should be serving as forums for communication between candidates and supporters, but/ they are being restricted to the online environment.

지지자들의 협회(후원회)들은 후보자 와 지지자들의 소통의 장이 되어야 하지만/ 온라인으로만 한정되고 있다.  


9. The result of this/ is that book release parties, for which there are neither restrictions on collection amounts and number of events nor any reporting obligations,/ have surfaced as a new, convenient channel for collecting political funds.

이런 상황의 결과는/ 모금액과 행사 횟수에 제한이 없고 신고 의무도 없는 출판기념회가/ 새로운 편법 정치자금 을 모금하기 위한 통로로서 등장하게 되었다.



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