  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2012.04.16 14:37
  • 댓글 0
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 Follow local governments’ lead

away from nuclear power



 Local governments are spearheading a campaign to move away from South Korea’s nuclear-centric energy policy.      

 ①Forty-five local government heads from around the country, including the leaders of Seoul‘s Nowon District and Incheon’s South District, took part in an “urban declaration for a shift to post-nuclear energy” yesterday, agreeing to work together on developing a vision for a shift in energy policy and pushing related efforts. Central to the debate is the question of how to create new, sustainable cities without relying on nuclear power. ②The leading role of local governments in the greater Seoul area, which enjoys the benefits of nuclear power without the risks or social costs, is particularly praiseworthy, since it opens the way not only for a post-nuclear society but also for shared prosperity.

 ③Since the accident at Japan‘s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant last year, we have seen the forming of a number of associations interested in a post-nuclear society, including groups of professors, lawyers, and lawmakers. This group of local governments is especially meaningful because it has the power to bring real changes to energy policy. To date, local governments have been passive in their approach to energy policy, regarding it as an issue to be handled at the national level. ④For example, resident conflicts over nuclear power plant and transmission tower construction sites have been viewed as merely an issue for that particular local government. ⑤But since localities are where energy consumption, environment preservation, and production activity take place, the participation of local governments is of paramount importance in bringing real changes and sustainability to energy policy.

 They are taking action because the South Korean government is bucking a trend away from nuclear power in othercountries since the Fukushima disaster. It is maintaining a policy of expanded nuclear power, with plans to build another 14 plants by 2024 and to export 80 by 2030.

 ⑥The reality of South Korean society is that we lack confidence in our ability to move away from nuclear power, due to blackouts and other concerns, even after the Fukushima situation illustrated the risks of nuclear power. Local governments need to present a vision of a nuclear power-free world as a viable alternative. A first step would be to reduce local energy consumption through demand management and to increase sustainable energy use.

 ⑦The proposed moves to expand the supply of renewable energy and reduce dependence on nuclear power through reduced energy demand and improved efficiency are noteworthy, including the city of Seoul’s support for the building of 300 thirty- kilowatt “Seoul-style citizen power plants” through 2014. If our local governments take these kinds of steps to present a concrete vision and build an energy-friendly administrative system that takes the conditions and characteristics into account, it may be possible to check the backwards movement by the central government. ⑧The government should follow Germany‘s lead in ceding much of its energy policy authority and diversifying its incentive programs to allow for increased renewable energy production by local governments, and more income and jobs as a result.




Follow local governments’ lead away from nuclear power

(정부는) 탈핵(脫 核)으로 가는 지자체의 본보기를 따르라



 ① Forty-five local government heads from around the country,/ including the leaders of Seoul‘s Nowon District and Incheon’s South District,/ took part in an “urban declaration for a shift to post-nuclear energy” yesterday,/ agreeing to work together on developing a vision for a shift in energy policy and pushing related efforts.

② 전국 45개 자치단체장들은/ ① 서 울 노원구, 인천 남구의 지도자(구청장)를 포함하여/ ③ 어제 “탈핵 에너 지 전환을 위한 도시선언”에 참여해/ ④ 에너지 정책 전환의 비전을 마련 하고 관련 노력(사업)을 추진하기로 하는 데 협력하기로 의견 일치를 보았 다.


 ② The leading role of local governments in the greater Seoul area,/ which enjoys the benefits of nuclear power without the risks or social costs,/ is particularly praiseworthy,/ since it opens the way not only for a post-nuclear society but also for shared prosperity.

 ② 보다 큰 서울지역(수도권)의 지자체들의 주도적인 역할은/ ① 위험과 사회적 비 용 없이 원전의 혜택을 누리는/ ④ 특히 칭찬할 만한 일이다./ ③ 탈원전 (脫原電) 사회뿐만 아니라 나눔의 번영[상생(相生)]을 위한 길을 여는 것이 므로


 ③ Since the accident at Japan‘s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant last year,/ we have seen the forming of a number of associations interested in a post-nuclear society,/ including groups of professors, lawyers, and lawmakers.

① 지난해 후 쿠시마 원전 사고 이래,/ ② 우리는 (③) 탈핵 사회에 관심이 있는 수많은 협회(모임)들의 구성을 봐 왔다./ ③ 탈핵 에너지 교수 모임, 탈핵 법률가 모임, 탈핵 국회의원 모임 등을 포함하여


 ④ For example,/ resident conflicts over nuclear power plant and transmission tower construction sites/ have been viewed as merely an issue for that particular local government.

예컨대,/ 원전 건설 지역과 송전탑 건 설 부지를 둘러싼 지역 주민들의 찬반 갈등은/ 특정한(해당) 지자체의 문제 로만 여겨져 왔다.


⑤ But since localities are where energy consumption, environment preservation, and production activity take place,/ the participation of local governments is of paramount importance/ in bringing real changes and sustainability to energy policy.

 ① 하지만 각 지역들은 에너지 사용, 환경보전, 생산활동 등이 지역에서 이뤄지는 곳이기 때문에,/ ② 지 자체들의 참여는 (③) 가장 중요하다./ ③ 에너지 정책의 실질적인 변화와 지속가능한 정책을 가져오는 데 있어


⑥  The reality of South Korean society/ is that we lack confidence in our ability to move away from nuclear power,/ due to blackouts and other concerns,/ even after the Fukushima situation illustrated the risks of nuclear power.

① 한국사회 의 현실은/ ④ 탈원전에 대한 역량에서의 확신을 결여하고 있다는 점이 다./ ③ 정전 사태와 기타 우려사항들로 인하여/ ② 우리가 후쿠시마 상황 (사고)이 원전의 위험성을 분명히 보여준 이후에조차


⑦ The proposed moves/ to expand the supply of renewable energy and/ reduce dependence on nuclear power through reduced energy demand and improved efficiency/ are noteworthy,/ including the city of Seoul’s support for the building of 300 thirty- kilowatt “Seoul-style citizen power plants” through 2014.

④ 제안한 조 치는/ ② 신재생에너지 보급을 확대하고/ ③ 에너지 수요 절감과 효율 개선 으로 원전에 대한 의존도를 줄이겠다고/ ⑤ 주목할 만하다./ ① 서울시가 2014년까지 30㎾ 규모의 서울형 시민발전소 300개 건립을 지원하는 것을 포 함하여


 ⑧ The government should follow Germany‘s lead/ in ceding much of its energy policy authority and/ diversifying its incentive programs/ to allow for increased renewable energy production by local governments, and more income and jobs as a result.

① 정부는 (② / ③) 독일의 본보기 를 따라야 한다./ ② 에너지 정책 권한의 상당부분을 이양하고/ 인센티브 프로그램을 다각화하여/ ③ 지자체의 신재생에너지 생산을 확대하고 결과적 으로 소득과 일자리를 늘리는 것을 고려하기 위해



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