시사& English : China"s new team
시사& English : China"s new team
  • 한경리크루트
  • 승인 2013.01.11 17:53
  • 댓글 0
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JOB & RECRUITING┃시사& English China"s new team



China’s new team


심 상 대

전) EBS방송 강의, Cable TV(일자 리 방송) 강의

전) 호원대학교 겸임교수

현) 남부행정고시학원 영어전임

현) 코리아타임스(The Korea Times) 객원논설위원


The new leadership lineup of China was finally unveiled after a weeklong party congress under the helm of Xi Jinping, who formally took power from Hu Jintao as secretary general of the CommunistParty and head of the party’s military body. ❶

The fifth-generation, paramount decision-making Politburo Standing Committee will likely differ from its predecessor in directing the course of the world’s most populous country and second-largest economy for the next half-decade. ❷The Hu Jintao team was comprised of mostly technocrats who have tried to sustain a status quo rather than lead and govern.

The members of the new ruling body have been students of humanities or the social sciences.❸

Of the seven, two have studied law and four economics, indicating the new leadership’s attention on establishing some kind of legal order and putting the economy on a sustainable path.

Xi devoted his solemnly worded inauguration speech to rejuvenating China by improving the lives of the common people. The common Chinese desire better schooling, more stable jobs, more satisfying incomes, better houses, and higher standards of society security and health care. ❹

To meet their expectations would be the leadership’s ultimate goal.

“The people’s desire for a better life is simply the target of our endeavor,”Xi said. He emphasized stronger law enforcement to root out corruption. ❺“

To forge iron, one must be strong,”he said, pledging to clean up the Communist Party first. ❻The appointment of upright former Vice Prime Minister Wang Qishan to head an anti-corruption agency is demonstration of the will to fight corruption by China’s elite.

Rejuvenating the economy and reinforcing law and order are both compelling tasks. Xi said,“ Our responsibility is as heavy as Mount Tai, and our journey is long.”❼

Hu Jintao relinquished his control over the party’s military body and completely retired, which could set a precedent. ❽The Politburo seats were trimmed from nine to seven in order to expedite decision-making and fend off intervention or lobbying activities by various interest groups.

The direction on North Korean affairs may not be good. There are several conservative and pro- North Korean members on the ruling body. ❾

The new leadership of China will likely wait until the new South Korean president is elected and in office before it declares a policy direction or specific plan for the Korean Peninsula.

We cannot run around the new and very different leadership of our neighbor. ❿

We have to set our priorities and deal with China with more confidence and wisdom based on public consensus.


China’s new team

중국의 새로운 팀 (체제)


1. The fifth-generation, paramount decision-making Politburo Standing Committee will likely differ from its predecessor/ in directing the course of the world’s most populous country and second-largest economy for the next half-decade.

① 제5세대 최고 의사결정기구인 정치국상무위원회(지도부)는 (②) 전임 후진 타오(胡錦濤) 체제와는 상당 히 다를 것이다./ ② 세계에서 가장 인구가 많고 차 후 5년 동안에 제2경제 대국의 진로를 잡아나감에 있어

2. The Hu Jintao team was comprised of mostly technocrats/ who have tried to sustain a status quo rather than lead and govern.

① 후진타오 체제는 (②) 주로 기 술관료로 구성되었다./ ② (국가를) 이끌고 통치한다기보다 현상을 지탱(유 지)하려고 애써온

3. Of the seven,/ two have studied law and four economics,/ indicating the new leadership’s attention/ on establishing some kind of legal order and putting the economy on a sustainable path.

일곱 명의 새 지도부 인사들 중,/ 두 명이 법학을 공부했고 네 명이 경제학을 공부했는데,/ 이는 모종의 법질 서를 확립하고 경제를 지속가능한 길로 올려두는 데 새 지도부(시진핑 체 제)가 관심(무게중심)을 둘 것임을 암시하는 것이다.

4. To meet their expectations/ would be the leadership’s ultimate goal.

그들의 기대를 충족시키는 것이/ 지도부의 궁극적인 목표가 될 것이다.

5.“To forge iron, one must be strong,”/ he said, pledging to clean up the Communist Party first.

“쇠를 두드리려면, 먼저 자신부 터 단련해야 한다(打鐵還需自身硬)”며/ 그는 공산당을 먼저 청소(정화)하 겠다고 다짐하며 말했다.

6. The appointment of upright former Vice Prime MinisterWang Qishan to head an anti-corruption agency/ is demonstration of the will to fight corruption by China’s elite.

당 기율검사위원회 서기에 강직한 인물인 왕치산(王岐山) 전 (국무원) 부총리를 임명한 것은/ 중국 엘리트의 부패와 싸우겠다는 의지를 나타내는 것이다.

7. Hu Jintao relinquished his control over the party’ s military body and completely retired,/ which could set a precedent.

후진타오는 (당)중앙군사위원회 주 석직을 이양했으며,/ 이는 전례를 세울 수 있는 것이었다.

8. The Politburo seats were trimmed from nine to seven/ in order to expedite decision-making and/ fend off intervention or lobbying activities by various interest groups.

① 정치국(상무위원회) 의석(위원 수)은 (② / ③) 9명에서 7명으로 줄였다./ ② 의사결정을 신속히 하고/ ③ 다양한 이익집단들에 의한 개입과 로비활동을 막아내기 위해

9. The new leadership of China will likely wait/ until the new South Korean president is elected and in office/ before it declares a policy direction or specific plan for the Korean Peninsula.

① 새 지도부는 (② / ③) 기다릴 것이다./ ③ 한국의 신임대통령이 선출되어 재직(취임)할 때까지/ ② 한국 이 한반도에 대한 정책방향과 구체적인 계획을 천명하기 전에

10. We have to set our priorities and/ deal with China with more confidence and wisdom based on public consensus.

우리는 우리의 우선순위를 정하 고/ 국민적 합의에 토대를 두고 더욱 자신 있고 지혜롭게 중국을 상대해야 한다.

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